Communication Journals on Open Access
In recent years free, on line journals, many of them open access and peer-reviewed, have begun to both challenge and complement traditional academic publishing. This is a welcome development and IAMCR is developing a resource on its website with links to journals in the field of media and communications.
Please send your suggestions for journals to include and help develop this service for IAMCR members and the media and communication research community at large. Please include the journal title, publisher, URL and a brief description.
African Journal of Information and Communication Technology (AJICT) is a peer reviewed international journal providing a publication vehicle for coverage of topics of interest to those involved in computing, communication networks, electronic communications, information technology systems and bioinformatics. It is serving as an open source vehicle of the works of researchers in ICT world wide that hitherto would not be available to organisations outside and within the African sub-region.
The American Communication Journal is a completely online, blind-reviewed publication, dedicated to the conscientious analysis and criticism of significant communicative artifacts. Appreciating the diversity of research agendas and methodologies in the study of communication, the Co-Editors and Editorial Board of ACJ welcome submissions on any topic related to the discipline. The ACJ is an academic journal. As such, it is dedicated to the open exchange of information. For this reason, ACJ is freely available to individuals and institutions. Copies of this journal or articles in this journal may be distributed for research or educational purposes free of charge and without permission. However, commercial use of the ACJ website or the articles contained herein is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the editor.
Baltic Screen Media Review
Baltic Screen Media Review is a new peer-reviewed journal that was launched in 2013 and is published by Tallinn University Baltic Film and Media School. Its core mission is to publish original and critical research articles on a variety of screen media forms and phenomena that are either produced in or represent the cultures and realities of the Baltic region. The journal appears once a year both in print form as well as online. Six months after publication date the issues turn open access. The journal is published in English language.
Belphégor est une revue internationale arbitrée de niveau universitaire, consacrée à l'étude des littératures populaires et de la culture médiatique. Elle est ouverte à toutes les approches critiques et encourage l'interdisciplinarité et les études comparatives. La mission de la revue est de stimuler la discussion, la recherche et les contacts entre chercheurs de tous horizons dans le domaine français, anglo-saxon, italien, allemand, espagnol et lusitanien.
The objective of the Canadian Journal of Communication is to publish Canadian research and scholarship in the field of communication. In pursuing this objective, particular attention is paid to research that has a distinctive Canadian flavour by virtue of choice of topic or by drawing on the legacy of Canadian theory and research. The purview of the journal is the entire field of communication studies as practiced in Canada or with relevance to Canada.
The Canadian Journal of Communication is a print and online quarterly. Back issues are accessible online without restriction. Access to the most recent year's issues, including the current issue, requires a subscription.
The Canadian Journal of Communication is a print and online quarterly. Back issues are accessible online without restriction. Access to the most recent year's issues, including the current issue, requires a subscription.
Case Studies in Strategic Communication (CSSC) is dedicated to the study of strategic communication through the case study form. Case studies illustrate the strategies, tactics, and execution of communication campaigns through in-depth coverage of a single situation. CSSC is a peer-reviewed online publication housed at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism.
Chasqui, "hombre que a través de los caminos llevaba el mensaje o la noticia de un confín a otro del imperio incáico". El texto imprescindible para la formación permanente del profesional de la comunicación social. Primicia en el análisis inquietante y serio de los medios y de los variados procesos de comunicación Chasqui se ha constituido en la primera revista de comunicación de la región por la calidad de sus contenidos (en ella escriben algunos de los más importantes comunicadores y comunicólogos de esta parte del mundo) y por la regularidad de sus ediciones. La revista está dirigida a estudiantes, docentes, investigadores, periodistas y profesionales de la comunicación y de otras áreas vinculadas a ella.
A revista Ciência da Informação é uma publicação quadrimestral de trabalhos inéditos relacionados com a ciência da informação ou que apresentem resultados de estudos e pesquisas sobre as atividades do setor de informação em ciência e tecnologia. Entende se por ciência da informação a área interdisciplinar concernente ao estudo dos fenômenos ligados à produção, organização, difusão e utilização de informações em todos os campos do saber. A atividade do setor de informação engloba componentes de vários outros setores e subsetores, como os da educação, cultura e pesquisa, telecomunicações e informática, nos seus aspectos relacionados à informação científica e tecnológica e à tecnologia da informação.
Communications in Information Literacy (CIL) is an independent, professional, refereed electronic journal dedicated to advancing knowledge, theory, and research in the area of information literacy. The journal is committed to the principles of information literacy as set forth by the Association of College and Research Libraries. CIL is also committed to the principles of open access for academic research.
Community Informatics (CI) is the study and the practice of enabling communities with Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). CI seeks to work with communities towards the effective use of ICTs to improve their processes, achieve their objectives, overcome the "digital divides" that exist both within and between communities, and empower communities and citizens in the range of areas of ICT application including for health, cultural production, civic management, e-governance among others. CI is concerned with how ICT can be useful to the range of traditionally excluded populations and communities, and how it can support local economic development, social justice and political empowerment using the Internet. CI is a point of convergence concerning the use of ICTs for diverse stakeholders, including community activists, nonprofit groups, policymakers, users/citizens, and the range of academics working across (and integrating) disciplines as diverse as Information Studies, Management, Computer Science, Social Work, Planning and Development Studies. Emerging issues within the CI field include: community access to the internet, community information, online civic participation and community service delivery, community and local economic development, training networks, telework, social cohesion, learning, e-health and e-governance.
The Journal of Community Informatics aims to bring together a global range of academics, CI practitioners and national and multi-lateral policy makers policy makers.
The Journal of Community Informatics aims to bring together a global range of academics, CI practitioners and national and multi-lateral policy makers policy makers.
Comunicación y Sociedad es una publicación semestral especializada en el área de la comunicación social. Constituye un medio de difusión de avances y resultados de investigación, así como de las teorías y metodologías afines.
Comunicar is a scientific research journal at the intersection of two roads of knowledge - education and communication; these fields of knowledge wield enormous social influence, and their development has shaped and defined a large measure of the world’s progress in modern times. In Latin America, this scientific journal is a pioneer in edu-communcation research, thought and analysis, and is an integral part of the network of Latin American journals dedicated to culture and communication.
Cuadernos de Información es una publicación bi-anual de la Facultad de Comunicaciones de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, que tiene como principal objetivo la divulgación del análisis y la reflexión crítica en los campos del periodismo, la comunicación audiovisual y las demás áreas de la comunicación aplicada, privilegiando aquellas investigaciones que aporten conocimiento nuevo y original.
The 'Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace' is a web-based, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. The first peer-reviewed issue was published in September 2007. The journal is focussed on social science research into cyberspace, while bringing psychosocial reflections of the Internet impact onto people and society. The journal is interdisciplinary, publishing works written by scholars of psychology, media studies, sociology, political science, and other disciplines. The Cyberpsychology Journal brings out original papers, as well as theoretical studies and research meta-analyses. Proposals for special issues are also welcomed.
Democratic Comuniqué - Journal of the Union for Democratic Communications
The Democratic Communiqué is a publication of the Union for Democratic Communication, a non-profit organization of scholars, activists, and artists dedicated to equitable exchange of perspectives and ideas toward furthering free communication.
The Democratic Communiqué is a publication of the Union for Democratic Communication, a non-profit organization of scholars, activists, and artists dedicated to equitable exchange of perspectives and ideas toward furthering free communication.
'Derecho a Comunicar' es una iniciativa de la Asociación Mexicana de Derecho a la Información (Amedi), impulsada por estudiosos del campo de la comunicación de México, América Latina y el mundo. 'Derecho a Comunicar' constituye un espacio para el análisis y la reflexión del conocimiento científico original. A ello obedece la definición de sus contenidos, que incluyen artículos y reseñas producto de la investigación, sujetos a un estricto arbitraje.
Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ), an open-access, peer-reviewed, digital journal covering all aspects of digital media in the humanities. Published by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), DHQ is also a community experiment in journal publication, with a commitment to: experimenting with publication formats and the rhetoric of digital authoring, co-publishing articles with Literary and Linguistic Computing (a well-established print digital humanities journal) in ways that straddle the print/digital divide, using open standards to deliver journal content, and developing translation services and multilingual reviewing in keeping with the strongly international character of ADHO.
The aim of EastBound is to create an international platform for Western and Eastern European researchers engaged in the multidisciplinary field of media and cultural studies. The journal features articles, reviews and interviews dealing with social and political implications of the rise of entertainment media and mediated popular culture, the appearance of global media players, and the spread of new forms of politics and information technologies.
This open access, scholarly journal contains refereed articles on journalism, new media, communications, graphics, websites and related issues. It seeks to aid journalism and communications educators, researchers and those concerned with media analysis. Each edition contains abstracts of articles, full versions of which may be downloaded as PDFs.
EJISDC focuses on the digital divide. Our aim is to situate contemporary trends in ICTs within a fully global context. Outside of North America, Western Europe, Australasia and Japan, diverse societies are making sense of technological advances in ways unique to their cultures and histories.
Em Questão é uma publicação da Faculdade de Biblioteconomia e Comunicação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. É dirigida a pesquisadores, professores, profissionais e estudantes das áreas de Informação e Comunicação e tem como objetivos: a) divulgar estudos e resultados de pesquisas nos campos da Informação e Comunicação e áreas afins; b) apresentar dossiês temáticos, reunindo a contribuição de especialistas nos respectivos campos.
Fibreculture Journal is a peer reviewed international journal that explores the issues and ideas of concern and interest to both the Fibreculture network and wider social formations. The journal encourages critical and speculative interventions in the debate and discussions concerning information and communication technologies and their policy frameworks, network cultures and their informational logic, new media forms and their deployment, and the possibilities of socio-technical invention and sustainability. Other broad topics of interest include the cultural contexts, philosophy and politics of: information and creative industries, national and international strategies for innovation, research and development, education, media and culture, and new media arts.
First Monday is one of the first openly accessible, peer–reviewed journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the Internet. First Monday is indexed in Communication Abstracts, Computer & Communications Security Abstracts, DoIS, eGranary Digital Library, INSPEC, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, LISA, PAIS, and other services.
Flow’s mission is to provide a space where researchers, teachers, students, and the public can read about and discuss the changing andscape of contemporary media at the speed that media moves.
Global Media Journal, a publication of the Global Communication Association, is sponsored by the Department of Communication and Creative Arts, Purdue University, Calumet, Hammond, Indiana, USA. The African Edition of Global Media Journal is maintained by the Journalism Department of Stellenbosch University in the Western Cape province of South Africa. It was launched in October 2007. It is advised by an editorial board of prominent International Communication scholars from throughout the world and publishes research papers, professional articles, and book reviews.
Global Media Journal publishes works that assess existing media structures and practices, such as global media concentration, globalization of TV genres, global media and consumer culture, the role of media in democratic governance and global justice, propaganda, media reception and cultural practice, commercialization of news, new media technologies, media regulations, regional media, alternative media, and other timely issues.
Global Media Journal - Global Editions
The consistent goal of Global Media Journal is to address diverse interests of media and journalism scholars, researchers, teachers, students, and institutions engaged in international activities, particularly communication. As of Fall 2007, there are 11 established and confirmed editions: African, American, Arabic, Australian, Chinese, Indian, Persian, Polish, Spanish, and Turkish Editions. Other editions are under consideration.
The consistent goal of Global Media Journal is to address diverse interests of media and journalism scholars, researchers, teachers, students, and institutions engaged in international activities, particularly communication. As of Fall 2007, there are 11 established and confirmed editions: African, American, Arabic, Australian, Chinese, Indian, Persian, Polish, Spanish, and Turkish Editions. Other editions are under consideration.
The GMJ: Mediterranean Edition publishes articles in the broad field of cultural and critical communication studies with an emphasis on the role of communication in resolution of conflict and the promotion of peace.
Global Media Journal-Persian Edition is an electronic journal that focuses on communication and media issues at the local and global level. The Persian edition inaugurated its first issue in June 2006 and has been on the rise in terms of attracting local and global audience. The priority for the Persian edition is to merge local understanding and knowledge about
communication and media works with the global ones.
communication and media works with the global ones.
Global Media Journal publishes work in various topics as media concentration, media and culture, globalization of television genres, global media, intercultural communication, consumer culture, the role of media in democratic societies, global justice, propaganda, commercialization of news, new media technologies, local media and media regulations. The Global Media Journal has 14 different established international editions. Global Media Journal Turkish edition is one of them.
Glocal Times is a web magazine published three times a year by Malmö University’s Master in Communication for Development, based in Sweden. Adding to the international community of academics and practitioners initiated brought together by the ComDev international Master course as from 2002, Glocal Times tackles its contents from an interdisciplinary approach. First published in June 2005 and with ten (10) issues to date, the web magazine has become a relevant digital reference for the discussion and dissemination of issues concerning communication for development and social change as well as related fields. Recognized academic experts and practitioners from all over the world have contributed to the web magazine.
Human Technology presents innovative, peer-reviewed articles thatexplore the issues and challenges surrounding the human role in allareas of our ICT-infused societies. The journal seeks to draw researchfrom multiple scientific disciplines with an eye toward how appliedtechnology can affect human existence or how it can, for instance,foster personal development and enhance research and development inindustry, education, communication and other fields. HumanTechnology's dynamic and forward-looking articles are intended for usein both the scientific community and industry and the journal does notset any limits regarding the specialization of its authors. Thejournal welcomes also difficult or controversial topics, and isinterested in publishing non-paradigmatic and non-traditional ideasthat meet the criteria for good scientific work.
IC, Scientific Information and Communication Journal (ISSN: 1696-2508; E-ISSN: 2173-1071) is an online and print journal addressing issues related to information, communication and culture from inter- and transdisciplinary, heterogeneous, heterodox and basically critical approaches, since both its editorial board and team are actively committed to social change, public emancipation, environmental protection and the culture of peace. Connected to the Department of Journalism I of Seville University, IC constitutes a global forum for discussing the research results and analyses of consolidated and highly respected academics and thinkers, together with the production of new perspectives by researchers starting or continuing their work in the fields of information, communication and culture, and who raise epistemological or theoretical concerns going beyond mere technical or professional insights into the world of communication.
Revista do Departamento de Ciência da Informação Universidade Estadual de Londrina. A Revista Informação & Informação, iniciada em 1996, publica contribuições inéditas em Ciência da Informação, Arquivologia, Biblioteconomia e áreas de interface, buscando incentivar debate interdisciplinar acerca dos fenômenos concernentes à informação.
Informative, lively, and provocative, Information Technologies and International Development (ITID) focuses on the intersection of information and communication technologies (ICT) with international development. ITID aims to create a networked community of leading thinkers and strategists to discuss the critical issues of ICT and development, an epistemic community that crosses disciplines (especially technologists and social scientists), national boundaries, and the North and South hemispheres.
The audience for ITID comes from academia, the private sector, NGOs, and government. It attracts readers interested in the "other four billion" – the share of the world population whose countries are not yet widely connected to the Internet nor widely considered in the design of new information technologies.
Periódico semestral - somente em formato eletrônico - de difusão do conhecimento produzido pela Rede Intercom Júnior, publicada pela Intercom - Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Inderdisciplinares da Comunicação.
A revista é publicada em português, com resumos dos trabalhos em inglês e espanhol. O título abreviado da revista é Iniciacom, forma que deve ser usada em bibliografias, notas de rodapé, referências e legendas bibliográficas.
A revista é publicada em português, com resumos dos trabalhos em inglês e espanhol. O título abreviado da revista é Iniciacom, forma que deve ser usada em bibliografias, notas de rodapé, referências e legendas bibliográficas.
The French Journal of Media and Media Representations in the English-Speaking World
The aim of InMedia is to study the media and media representations in the English-speaking world. The journal focuses on the press, photography, painting, cinema, television, video games, music, radio and the Internet among other fields of study. It provides a multidisciplinary approach and comparative perspectives. Contributions are welcome from many research areas, including history, economics, political sciences, sociology, aesthetics, anthropology or science and communication studies.
The French Journal of Media and Media Representations in the English-Speaking World
The aim of InMedia is to study the media and media representations in the English-speaking world. The journal focuses on the press, photography, painting, cinema, television, video games, music, radio and the Internet among other fields of study. It provides a multidisciplinary approach and comparative perspectives. Contributions are welcome from many research areas, including history, economics, political sciences, sociology, aesthetics, anthropology or science and communication studies.
INOVCOM - Revista Brasileira de Inovação Científica em Comunicação pretende divulgar as pesquisas que contenham resultados inovadores ou focalizem alternativas comunicacionais. Essa publicação, editada exclusivamente em formato digital, visa atender í demanda dos egressos dos cursos de graduação e estudantes dos cursos de especialização em Comunicação, bem como aos jovens profissionais atuantes no mercado de trabalho. Publicada pela INTERCOM - Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação - , em parceria com a Faculdade de Comunicação da Universidade de Marília - UNIMAR -, esta revista está aberta í contribuição de quantos pretendam oferecer contribuições para superar o “gueto acadêmico”, ampliando as pontes da cooperação entre a academia e o mercado, através das empresas midiáticas e das associações profissionais da comunicação.
A Intercom - Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação é uma publicação semestral editada pela Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação Social. A Intercom-RBCC prioriza a publicação de artigos científicos do campo da Comunicação Social.
The International Journal of Communication is an online, multi-media, academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world. The International Journal of Communication is an interdisciplinary journal that, while centered in communication, is open and welcoming to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads that is communication study.
The International Journal of computer and network security (IJCNS) is one of the leading international journals for publishing novel ideas, state-of-the-art research results and fundamental advances in all aspects of computer science and communication network and Network security. IJCNS is a monthly journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical results. The paper submitted to IJCNS should describe original and previously unpublished works, not currently under review by another conference, workshop or journal.
The International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) is a well-established and notable venue for publishing high quality research papers as recognised by various universities and international professional bodies. IJCSI is a refereed open access international journal for publishing scientific papers in all areas of computer science research.
The International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT) is an e-journal that provides free and open access to all of its content. IJEDICT aims to strengthen links between research and practice in ICT in education and development in hitherto less developed parts of the world, e.g., developing countries (especially small states), and rural and remote regions of developed countries.
A peer reviewed open access journal for empirical findings, methodology, and theory of social and behavioral science concerning the Internet and its implications for individuals, social groups, organizations, and society.
This journal is dedicated to explorations of the material and political dimensions of cultural practices: the means by which cultural objects and communities are produced, the historical contexts in which they emerge, and the regimes of knowledge or modes of social interaction to which they contribute. As the title suggests, Invisible Culture problematizes the unquestioned alliance between culture and visibility, specifically visual culture and vision. Cultural practices and materials emerge not solely in the visible world, but also in the social, temporal, and theoretical relations that define the invisible. Our understanding of Cultural Studies, finally, maintains that culture is fugitive and is constantly renegotiated.
This journal welcomes original research articles in the area of Information and Communication Technology. Subject coverage include but are not limited to Information Theory, Signal Processing, Electronics, Computer Network, Telecommunication, Wireless & Mobile Computing, Internet Technology, Multimedia, Software Engineering, Data mining, Artificial Intelligence, Information System and Knowledge Management.
Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture - Javnost - The Public, an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed social and cultural science journal published by the European Institute for Communication and Culture in association with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, addresses problems of the public sphere on international and interdisciplinary levels. It encourages the development of theory and research, and helps understand differences between cultures. Contributors confront problems of the public, public communication, public opinion, public discourse, publicness, publicity, and public life from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives.
JCOM is an on-line journal on scientific communication. Since the world of communications and the scientific community are now undergoing a rapid, crucial and uncertain transition, JCOM is trying to become an interdisciplinary melting-pot capable of providing some theoretical guidelines for science communication. In JCOM , each article undergoes multidisciplinary peer-reviewing by experts belonging to different areas of competence such as science, communication and theory of communication.
Comments are also to be found on JCOM , as well as letters and reviews on important occasions, figures, processes and key concepts concerning the communication of contemporary science.
Comments are also to be found on JCOM , as well as letters and reviews on important occasions, figures, processes and key concepts concerning the communication of contemporary science.
Journal of Communications (JCM) is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal published monthly, focusing on theories, methods, and algorithms in communications. It provide a high profile, leading edge forum for academic researchers, industrial professionals, engineers, consultants, managers, educators and policy makers working in the field to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on communications.
The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) is a web-based, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Its focus is social science research on computer-mediated communication via the Internet, the World Wide Web, and wireless technologies. Within that general purview, the journal is broadly interdisciplinary, publishing work by scholars in communication, business, education, political science, sociology, media studies, information science, and other disciplines. Acceptable formats for submission include original research articles, meta-analyses of prior research, synthesizing literature surveys, and proposals for special issues.
JCMC is one of the oldest web-based Internet studies journals in existence, having been published quarterly continuously since June 1995. The journal was started by Margaret McLaughlin and Sheizaf Rafaeli in response to the growth of CMC scholarship in the early- to mid-1990s. The founding editors had the vision to make JCMC an open-access, online journal. This, combined with high quality standards, proved to be a recipe for success: today JCMC is widely read and cited by CMC scholars around the world. In 2004, JCMC became an official journal of the International Communication Association.
JCMC is one of the oldest web-based Internet studies journals in existence, having been published quarterly continuously since June 1995. The journal was started by Margaret McLaughlin and Sheizaf Rafaeli in response to the growth of CMC scholarship in the early- to mid-1990s. The founding editors had the vision to make JCMC an open-access, online journal. This, combined with high quality standards, proved to be a recipe for success: today JCMC is widely read and cited by CMC scholars around the world. In 2004, JCMC became an official journal of the International Communication Association.
The Journal of E-working (JOE) is an online, multi-disciplinary and peer-reviewed publication on E-working. It aims to enhance and accelerate communication among researchers and practitioners concerning the impacts of new working environments on individuals, businesses and society. The journal of e-working enables rapid publication, worldwide visibility and accessibility through indexing your work in more than 25 international repositories and library catalogs.
Journal of Global Mass Communication
This peer-reviewed scientific journal publishes theoretical and empirical papers and essays and book reviews that advance an understanding of the role and function (and dysfunctions) of mass media and/or media effects and processes in a global world. Submissions may have a cultural, world systems, psychological or sociological orientation but must focus on mass communication at a global or transnational level. All theoretical and methodological perspectives are welcomed.
This peer-reviewed scientific journal publishes theoretical and empirical papers and essays and book reviews that advance an understanding of the role and function (and dysfunctions) of mass media and/or media effects and processes in a global world. Submissions may have a cultural, world systems, psychological or sociological orientation but must focus on mass communication at a global or transnational level. All theoretical and methodological perspectives are welcomed.
The goal of this journal is to promote research but also education and training in the area of intercultural communication. The journal is an outgrowth of the activities of NIC – the Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication. The great interest shown in the activities of NIC have pointed to a need for more journals employing a peer review procedure within the area of intercultural communication. By starting this journal, we hope to encourage more research and to facilitate contacts between interested researchers as well as to provide better possibilities for reviewed publication.
This peer-reviewed scientific journal publishes theoretical and empirical papers and essays and book reviews that advance an understanding of media law and ethics and diversity in society. Submissions may have a legal, historical, psychological, social or cultural orientation but must focus on media and law, ethics or diversity. All theoretical perspectives are welcomed.
The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is an online, open access academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world. The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is a transdisciplinary journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect virtual worlds research.
The JRE on-line Journal gives attention to the cross-cutting themes of the field of journalism with all its alliterating ‘consumerism, commercialization and challenges from the side of education, and that of research. It is thus trying to find ways to improve the field of journalism, by highlighting the expected skills and providing a new niche of public spheres that can aggregate views about journalism standards and values that could enlighten citizenry that is reflective of social mixes within individual societies. Journalism progress and political reform go hand in hand to engage journalism educators, researchers and professionals with the appropriate setting and context to foster a better performance of the industry.
KOME is a theory and pure research-oriented journal of communication studies and related fields. Therefore theoretical researches and discussions that helps to understand better, or reconceptualize the understanding of communication are its centre of interests; being either an useful supplement to, or a reasonable alternative of current communication theories. Scholarly perspectives with the aim of creating an intellectual plus in the metatheory of communication, policies or research methods are especially welcomed, as well as linguistic or etymological analyses. KOME is also committed to the ideas of trans-and interdisciplinarity and prefer topics which are relevant for more than one special discipline of social sciences.
Kommunikation@Gesellschaft (or k@g for short; founded in 2000) is an open access journal focussing on both theoretically and empirically grounded research on (old and new) communication media. Its main disciplinary approaches come from sociology, cultural anthropology and communication science. Recent articles featured, for example, the appropriation of mobile media by urban teenagers, didactical processes in computer games, or the self-regulation of "ebay entrepreneurs". In addition, several "special issues" are published, for example on practices of blogging or on Wiki research.
M/C Journal
M/C Journal was founded (as "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture") in 1998 as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting of media and culture. M/C Journal is a fully blind peer-reviewed open access journal, but is also open to submissions and responses from anyone on the Internet. We take seriously the need to move ideas outward, so that our cultural debates may have some resonance with wider political and cultural interests.
Each issue is organised around a one-word theme, and is edited by one or two editors with a particular interest in that theme. Each issue has a feature article which engages with the theme in some detail, followed by several shorter articles.
M/C Journal was founded (as "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture") in 1998 as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting of media and culture. M/C Journal is a fully blind peer-reviewed open access journal, but is also open to submissions and responses from anyone on the Internet. We take seriously the need to move ideas outward, so that our cultural debates may have some resonance with wider political and cultural interests.
Each issue is organised around a one-word theme, and is edited by one or two editors with a particular interest in that theme. Each issue has a feature article which engages with the theme in some detail, followed by several shorter articles.
MATRIZes is a journal aimed at the publication of scientific literature whose object of study is communication. It accepts theoretical works, analysis and conceptual formulations about communicative processes, media, mediations and emergencies of interactions in our contemporary society of generalized communication. It is a journal open to reflections on the historical changes in the sphere of culture by communicational mediations; on the production of languages and their interfaces; on the socio-political implications of the communicative acts, as well as their cognitive consequences. It advocates the need to preserve a horizon of inter and transdisciplinarity to the theoretical and methodological contributions for the communicational thought. Its hopes, therefore, to offer a new dimension on the knowledge and historical traditions that will help us to define, to map and explore the communicational events.
Media Fields Journal is a platform for the dissemination of current research on the spatial dimensions of media, opening up new critical directions that account for the changing roles that different media forms play in the world today. “Media Fields” is a conceptual catalyst for rethinking relationships between national, transnational, and global boundaries and flows; language, leisure, and law; theory and practice; space and time; place and space; networks and infrastructures; and the many complicated ways in which various media forms cross paths.
MediaTropes is a transdisciplinary, peer-reviewed e-journal that seeks to breach boundaries, existing as a vigorous border hopper-alien in new cultural territories. It interrogates all frameworks, structures, and media, revealing the hidden ground of their effects. Included within this is not just a questioning of media themselves, but an examination of how information instantiated in media transforms and is transformed by their socio-cultural milieux.
MedieKultur is a peer-reviewed journal of media and communications studies that encourages stimulating ideas, sound thinking and strong arguments without any dogmatic preference for certain schools of thought. The journal is aimed at scholars, teachers, students, and professionals. MedieKultur publishes research into mediated communication in all its various contexts: political, economic, cultural, historical, aesthetic, and social. MedieKultur is a multi-disciplinary journal and welcomes articles contributing to critical reflection and the further development of theory and method within media and communication studies.
Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information and Communication Technologies (nb!ict)
Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information and Communication Technologies - nb!ict - is a new international journal promoting debate on ICT developments among academics, analysts, professionals and practitioners.
nb!ict is interdisciplinary and focuses on the interrelationships between technology developments in the ICT field and economic, political and social developments and provides a platform for a critical debate on ICT developments with implications for the Nordic and Baltic Sea area.
Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information and Communication Technologies - nb!ict - is a new international journal promoting debate on ICT developments among academics, analysts, professionals and practitioners.
nb!ict is interdisciplinary and focuses on the interrelationships between technology developments in the ICT field and economic, political and social developments and provides a platform for a critical debate on ICT developments with implications for the Nordic and Baltic Sea area.
Nordicom Review, a refereed journal, provides a major forum for media and communication researchers in the Nordic countries. The semi-annual journal is addressed to the international scholarly community. It publishes the best of media and communication research in the region, as well as theoretical works in all its diversity; it seeks to reflect the great variety of intellectual traditions in the field and to facilitate a dialogue between them.
Observatorio (OBS*) is an online, multimedia, academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages both established and emerging scholars worlwide. Observatorio (OBS*) is an interdisciplinary journal that welcomes contributions coming from and speaking to the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads that is Communication Studies, and is open to several publishing languages such as Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Italian, French, and English. Observatorio (OBS*) allows authors of a wide range of theoretical and methodological in the Communication Studies, from academia to the business-related world, to interact and publish in their own original languages without time-space publishing limitations and accessibility constraints.
The Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies (OJCMT) is an international, rigorously peer-reviewed journal in the field of Communication and its related fields. OJCMT is interested in research not only on Theory and Practice of Communication and Media Studies but also new trends and developments, Communication in Education, Visual Communication and Design, Integrated Marketing Communication and Advertising.
Palabra Clave es una publicación de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de La Sabana en la que participan profesores e investigadores. Palabra Clave es una revista con periodicidad semestral, arbitrada, indizada y registrada en diferentes bases de datos académicas y científicas.
La revista Perspectivas de la Comunicación, revista electrónica semestral y adscrita al Magíster en Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad de La Frontera (Temuco-Chile), se crea con la finalidad de contribuir al diálogo entre los diversos investigadores en el amplio campo de la comunicación, difundiendo, principalmente, los trabajos asociados a proyectos de investigación y fomentando el desarrollo de un pensamiento crítico acerca de los diversos fenómenos sociales, culturales, comunicacionales, discursivos, interculturales, políticos y económicos que se observan en América Latina y el Mundo.
PLATFORM is an international peer-review graduate journal. It is published twice a year by the School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne, Australia.
The Political Economy of Communication
This publication arises from the political economy section of the International Association of Media Communication Research (IAMCR). It showcases original research from established and emerging scholars and commentaries on contemporary media-related issues. The journal especially invites contributions which reflect upon the political economy of communication as an evolving field of intellectual inquiry.
This publication arises from the political economy section of the International Association of Media Communication Research (IAMCR). It showcases original research from established and emerging scholars and commentaries on contemporary media-related issues. The journal especially invites contributions which reflect upon the political economy of communication as an evolving field of intellectual inquiry.
PRism (ISSN 1448-4404) is a free-access, online, peer-refereed public relations and communication research journal. It was established in 2002 to meet the need for readily available, quality controlled public relations and communication research materials online, and published its first issue in 2003. PRism is supported by a diverse and distinguished editorial board comprising 50 international academics with extensive scholarly and practical public relations and communication expertise. Board members are particularly dedicated to the support and encouragement of new scholarship in public relations and communication, through detailed and constructive refereeing.
Each PRism issue contains full-length refereed scholarly articles, shorter non-refereed commentary pieces, and a range of book reviews, opinion pieces, and/or conference reports.
PRism (ISSN 1448-4404) is a free-access, online, peer-refereed public relations and communication research journal. It was established in 2002 to meet the need for readily available, quality controlled public relations and communication research materials online, and published its first issue in 2003. PRism is supported by a diverse and distinguished editorial board comprising 50 international academics with extensive scholarly and practical public relations and communication expertise. Board members are particularly dedicated to the support and encouragement of new scholarship in public relations and communication, through detailed and constructive refereeing.
Each PRism issue contains full-length refereed scholarly articles, shorter non-refereed commentary pieces, and a range of book reviews, opinion pieces, and/or conference reports.
PRISMA.COM é uma publicação on-line dedicada à investigação na intersecção da comunicação, informação, tecnologia e artes. É propriedade da unidade de investigação CETAC.COM (Centro de Estudos em Tecnologias, Artes e Ciências da Comunicação). PRISMA.COM publica: a) artigos de natureza teórica, ensaística ou de comentário e reflexão, bem como trabalhos monográficos nos domínios das Ciências, Artes e Tecnologias da Comunicação e da Informação; b) trabalhos de natureza empírica, privilegiando a sua natureza inter e transdisciplinar; c) Recensões críticas da literatura própria destes domínios; d) noticiário sobre actividades em curso ou a desenvolver, bem como entrevistas e outros materiais de carácter informativo e de divulgação nestas áreas do conhecimento.
Public Relations Journal
The Public Relations Journal, published quarterly by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), is an open-access, peer-reviewed electronic research journal facilitating the transfer of knowledge from the educational community to the professional community.
The Public Relations Journal, published quarterly by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), is an open-access, peer-reviewed electronic research journal facilitating the transfer of knowledge from the educational community to the professional community.
Research Letters in Communications is devoted to very fast publication of short, high quality manuscripts in the broad field of communications.
A Revista Comunicação Midiática é uma publicação quadrimestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista e dedica-se a publicar trabalhos originais e inéditos que abordem pesquisas sobre comunicação midiática. É dirigida a pesquisadores, professores, profissionais e estudantes e aceita colaborações de doutores (ou doutores em co-autoria com mestrandos, mestres e doutorandos) para artigos científicos e de alunos de programas de pós-graduação (stricto sensu), mestres e doutores para resenhas.
La Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI es una revista científica que tiene como objetivo publicar investigaciones originales en el área de Humanidades, específicamente en campo de la Comunicación, Sociología, Tecnologías de la Información y Audiovisuales (cine, televisión, radio). El idioma oficial de la revista es el español, aunque se aceptan contribuciones en idioma Inglés, Francés y Portugués.
A Revista Fronteiras pretende ser um espaço de discussão teórico-metodológico e análise centrado em temáticas diretamente relacionadas aos Processos Midiáticos, entendidos como o conjunto das práticas comunicacionais midiáticas, manifestas através de diferentes linguagens; sobredeterminadas pelos dispositivos técnicos: jornal, revista rádio, cinema, televisão, fotografia, publicidade, vídeo e outros processos de produção emergentes.
La Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia (RIED) se configura como un instrumento para la difusión internacional de los avances en la investigación e innovación dentro del ámbito de la enseñanza y aprendizaje abiertos y a distancia en sus diferentes formulaciones y presentaciones.
Se pueden enviar a Revista Latina de Comunicación Social para su publicación artículos académicos relacionados con la Comunicación Social, que sean exclusivamente resultados de investigaciones sobre cualquier área de conocimiento de las Ciencias de la Información. Aparte se publicarán reseñas de libros, según el modelo de las que ya están publicadas.
La Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación es una publicación periódica digital de acceso libre impulsada la Universidad de Alicante (España). Tiene por objetivos: transmitir el conocimiento científico de la comunicación social en sus diferentes vertientes: informativa, persuasiva, audiovisual y/o emergente; difundir la producción científica académica del área de conocimiento de la Comunicación; contribuir al incremento de publicaciones en el área de Ciencias Sociales y ofrecer un servicio a los investigadores y profesores del ámbito
ORBIS focaliza su atención en temas de Ciencias Humanas, y campos afines como Comunicación, Psicología, Educación, lingüística. Orbis promueve la producción intelectual que contribuya directamente a la Convivencia y la Cultura de Paz. Publica artículos inéditos, estudios, reseñas, y documentos relacionados con las Ciencias Humanas y con especial interés en los temas de Cultura de Paz. La revista prefiere trabajos interdisciplinarios y en equipo, contribuciones que incluyan jóvenes investigadores.
Scientific Journals International (SJI) publishes peer-reviewed open-access journals for all disciplines. SJI mission is to give every researcher, writer or artist a fair consideration to be published. The academic, creative and scientific developments depend on the effective, rapid and efficient dissemination of information and ideas from all disciplines and at all levels.
Second Nature explores the distinctive particulars of and interconnections between textual, visual, aural and interactive creative research and practices. It welcomes contributions from across the field of creative media including creative writers, media and art historians, media practitioners and fine artists, performers, architects and architectural theorists and historians, curators, museum professionals, scientists, cultural and media theorists, archivists, technologists, software developers, educationalists, philosophers and any others who have a stake in the understanding and future developments of creative media. Second Nature publishes research papers, articles, and creative projects.
Signo y Pensamiento es una publicación semestral de carácter académico y científico de la Facultad de Comunicación y Lenguaje de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana en Bogotá y del departamento de Comunicación, de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, de la Seccional Javeriana en Cali, Colombia. Esta publicación está dedicada a la difusión de informes finales de investigación, reflexiones y avances teóricos, entrevistas, traducciones y reseñas críticas en torno a los temas de Comunicación, Información y Lenguaje. Pretende ser un foro de discusión y divulgación interdisciplinario de los aportes de docentes e investigadores interesados en realizar un acercamiento analítico y pluridimensional del fenómeno comunicacional.
Transformations is a double blind peer reviewed electronic journal dedicated to the exploration of ideas, issues and debates emerging out of contemporary global culture. Transformations seeks to publish new writing that addresses the transformative processes of new technologies and mediating practices that change the way we think, feel and interact with others both in a contemporary and historical sense.
tripleC is a transdisciplinary journal that is open to contributions from all disciplines and approaches that meet at the conjunctions of cognition, communication and cooperation. The journal accepts articles from all disciplines and combinations of disciplines carried out with any type of methods that focus on topics relating to contemporary society, to politics, culture, and economy and the interrelation of humans, ecology and technology.
La Revista de Comunicación Vivat Academia fundada en noviembre del 1998, supuso una novedad en el panorama de las revistas electrónicas universitarias españolas. Inicialmente adscrita a la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, de manera posterior la Universidad Complutense se incorpora a este proyecto siendo en la actualidad la institución responsable de la edición de la revista, junto a la asociación cultural Fórum Internacional de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas – FÓRUM XXI.
La Revista de Comunicación Vivat Academia es una revista científica no lucrativa, la cual se ha editado ininterrumpidamente.
La Revista de Comunicación Vivat Academia es una revista científica no lucrativa, la cual se ha editado ininterrumpidamente.
Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC) is a peer-reviewed journal, published four times a year in hard copy and PDF format. WPCC recognises the interdisciplinary nature of the field of Media and Cultural Studies, and therefore deliberately encourages diverse methods, contexts and themes.
Particular interests include, but are not limited to, work related to Popular Culture, Media Audiences, Political Economy, Promotional Culture, New Media, Political communication, Migration and Diasporic Studies. A major goal of the WPCC is to help develop a de-westernised and transcultural sphere that engages both young and established scholars from different parts of the world in a critical debate about the relationship between communication, culture and society in the 21st Century.
Particular interests include, but are not limited to, work related to Popular Culture, Media Audiences, Political Economy, Promotional Culture, New Media, Political communication, Migration and Diasporic Studies. A major goal of the WPCC is to help develop a de-westernised and transcultural sphere that engages both young and established scholars from different parts of the world in a critical debate about the relationship between communication, culture and society in the 21st Century.
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